Registration 2024-2025
...for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10

Aloha, Parents & Guardians:
Thank you for enrolling your child(ren) at Trinity for the 2024-2025 school year.
As we gear up for the upcoming school year, the registration process is now open. Registration is an annual procedure for all students (new and returning) and must be completed by June 15, 2024.
Unregistered families will incur a late fee of $100 and may delay the start date of your student(s) starting on the first day of school.
If you have any questions; please contact the school office.
A Fee Computation Form (FCF) will be provided for each child in a family and details the family's 2024-2025 tuition & fees obligation. The FCF will reflect any applicable tuition discount or aid; fees; and before &/or after school amounts.
First, complete the 2024-2025 Tuition & Fees Form so that your FCF can be prepared specific to your family. Your FCF form will be emailed to you within three business days.
All families must complete a Vanco Enrollment Form for processing tuition and fees. If you are a returning family and will be using the same checking or savings account as the previous school year, please skip the step of submitting a canceled check or bank issued deposit slip.
If you are a new family or adding a new bank account; a canceled check or bank issued deposit slip is required to complete new enrollment. Please plan accordingly in case you need to order either of these from your financial institution.
To keep a credit card on file, please call the school office for further assistance. All card transactions incur a 4% convenience fee.
Complete one form per family.
If your student is new to Trinity; or entering Kindergarten or grade 7; please complete the Department of Education Student Health Record. This includes providing your student's immunization record and Tuberculosis clearance. The physical examination must be dated July 1, 2023 or later.
If your student is entering Preschool or PreKindergarten, the Department of Human Services Form 908 is required.
All medications given to a student during school hours must be administered by the school office. To request administration of any medication, (e.g. Tylenol, cough drops, over the counter medications, and prescription medications) please fill out this form and return it to the school office. No medications will be given to students who do not have this form on file.
Outstanding Documents
If you received notice that you have outstanding documents to submit (e.g. birth certificate; medical forms, etc...); please send them in PDF format via email to admissions@tls-hawaii.org; or you may bring them to the school office by June 15, 2024.